Hugh Kim Group
Applied Analytical Chemistry Lab

Hugh I. Kim, PhD
김준곤 교수
2008 : California Institute of Technology, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry
2003 : University of California, Berkeley, B.S., Chemistry
2019 - present: Professor at Korea University
2015 - 2019: Associate Professor at Korea University
2014 – 2015: Associate Professor at POSTECH
2010 – 2014: Assistant Professor at POSTECH
2008 – 2010: Post-Doctoral Scholar at NASA-JPL, CALTECH
Selected Awards
KCS Sigma-Aldrich Excellent Chemist Award, 2018
The American Society for Mass Spectrometry: Emerging Investigators, 2017
Dong-A Ilbo-POSTECH: 30 Young Scientists of Korea Award, 2016
The Chemical Society of Japan: The Distinguished Lectureship Award, 2016
Korean Chemical Society: Young Analytical Chemist Award, 2012
NASA-Tech Brief Award, 2010
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Sub-Fellowship, 2004 - 2008
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)/Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSOCO) Scholarship, 2007
CRIC (국가지정 화학연구정보센터) 김준곤 교수 인터뷰 가보기
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Phone: +82-2-3290-3126
Office: Asan Science Bldg. RM 312